Me and Rob

Me and Rob

Friday, November 12, 2010

Constitution and Bill of Rights: Yay or Nay?

ok. So I got into a pretty heated FB discussion with a person I don't know (a friend of a friend) regarding a book that was recently (I think) published. I am not going to divulge which book this was as I think it is a grotesque book and I will not promote it on my blog in the slightest. However, what evolved from this discussion is something that concerns me greatly. I am a pretty (hold on having a brain fart..........must google the opposite of liberal......ah!) conservative person. Now this in no way means that I am riding the Limbaugh train and selling spots in my house to watch Hannity, but I am definitely not liberal.  The following is a transcript of the conversation over FB with names and side topics removed for anonymity and clarity in reading.

Person's Status Update: WTF??????? let's all band together to protect the sociopathic (SUBJECT) ....what are they thinking?? where do they think he got this information from???

Colo police investigate, protect (Person no-one likes)
Police are investigating whether the (person) did anything illegal even as they try to protect him from a threat posted on a local website.

    • Julie Bartlett I don't agree with what the book is about. With that said, he does have freedom of speech and is innocent until proven guilty. He also has a right to live without persecution or threats. Like I said. I don't like the book and using my freedom of purchasing I will not buy it and already left a comment on about how I feel, but freedom and rights go both ways. Just because you don't agree with something or someone doesn't mean they should lose their rights.
      2 hours ago ·

    • Person I loveit still should be illegal---and i have the right to say that...being the long time victim of (terrible abuse), i can tell you---this is a how to book and he didn't get that knowledge from outer space!!! and enabling him to continue?? just wrong?? guilty until proven innocent---he just wrote a book that adds up to him signing a confession. by your calculations, it ok for him to have kiddie porn too??? you know, wink wink---not guilty if you don't get caught!!!
      2 hours ago ·

    • Julie Bartlett 
      Ok. I never said it was ok. I never said it was good. It is however not illegal. You can write about any topic you want. If he had pictures of (subject)  happening in the book then it would be illegal. I did not say that it is ok as long as you are not caught. Illegal is illegal. But if you start the precedent of guilty until proven innocent then it has to apply to everything. A store owner says you stole from him. Unless you can prove you didn't you are going to jail. This is not a good plan. You know me. I am not encouraging this book and I think the guy is a Sicko. But too many people have died and are still fighting for the freedoms that we hold dear. We can not pick and choose when and where and to whom those freedoms apply prior to due process. Once we start forgetting this we may as well sign away our constitution and bill of rights.

      about an hour ago ·
      about an hour ago ·
      about an hour ago · 

    • Julie Bartlett  what else should people not be allowed to write about? Making bombs? Killing animals? Shopping at Walmart? (They destroy small town business you know) my point is that once you start the censorship you may as well move to China and let the govt. Decide what you read and watch. It is a bad road to start down.
      about an hour ago ·

      about an hour ago ·

    • Julie Bartlett I am not standing up for him. He disgusts me and so does his book. But you CAN NOT randomly decide to suspend rights and freedoms because you don't agree. We would still have slavery if that were the case!!
      about an hour ago · 

    • Person I don't knowSome things just should not be put into words geeze it dont matter bout freedom thats just taking advatige of that freedom thinking oh i have the freedom of wut ever ill write about how to do sick and horrid things to little kids right ugh
      about an hour ago ·

    • Julie Bartlett 
      I totally agree that he is a twisted individual and should be investigated. But I still draw a line at regulating what should and shouldn't be allowed in print. If you don't like it then don't buy it. Sign petitions toward you local stores asking them not to sell the book. Sign the petition on amazon for them to take it off their marketplace. but threatening this person, sending him to jail without trial, or taking away his freedom of speech and press is not allowed within the constitution that we all praised our veterans for fighting for and defending yesterday! You can not choose to support PART of the constitution and bill of rights unless you are a hypocrite. You can not choose to whom these rights should apply unless you are willing to submit to those same discriminations yourself. Just because I don't agree with what you are saying and your opinions about this topic doesn't mean I think you shouldn't have the right to state your opinion and write what you think about the topic. If I were to emulate your stance on this then I would say that anyone that thinks that a persons freedom of speech should be suspended should be put in jail for treason because that is devaluing the constitution and bill of rights and therefore this person must not be a true american. That would be a terrible injustice. As would censoring the media and deciding that this man should not be allowed to write anything he wants to write. No one should lose this freedom. NOW- with that being said, there are definitely things that should not be allowed. Kiddie porn for example. Sexual abuse as well. I understand that (SUBJECT)  is grotesque. Media that directly influences and victimizes children has been banned. While this is an instruction manual of sorts (I am told- as I will not read it) it does not directly victimize children as kiddie porn does. Do I think that he was unwise in his decision to write and publish this book? ABSOLUTELY! Do I think he doesn't have the freedom to do so? no.

      17 minutes ago ·

Ok. So I have made my position pretty clear. What I want to know is am I the only person that thinks this way? Or am I in the minority here. I hope that enough people read this blog to give me some sort of insight into this....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Dress down days

Working in Louisiana has taught me different things. Things I never would have learned staying on California. Some good, some not so good, and some that are irrelevant. My musings today center around uniforms in grade schools and dress down days.
Most of the schools here- public, charter, and religious- require uniforms be worn every day with the occasional dress down day on which you can wear "street clothes". Now most of these days are set and scheduled at the begining of the school year, however there are some that crop up at a moments notice (well, usually a weeks notice) and they are used as fundraiser or to gather supplies. i.e., a teacher was diagnosed with cancer and to help with treatment payments children could donate money in order to wear street clothes that day.
Ok. So here is my query. Weren't uniforms originally introduced to help reduce dealing with dress code violations and to create a feeling if equality (not that I agree with the theory- because I don't.)? So kids couldn't tell by clothing who was rich and who was stuck wearing hand me downs from the previous years right? Doesn't it make it painfully obvious who can afford new clothes and who can't when they are required to donate cash in order to dress down??? When you walk into a classroom on one of the fundraising dress down days and see, in a class of 25, only 3 students in their uniforms what is the first assumption that comes to mind?
I really have nothing to say to "fix" this, it was just one of my musings during my day. Feel free to comment if you have an opinion on the matter.

Have a fabulous day!!
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Friday, October 15, 2010


What is the use of a significant other that does not support you or your children?
I work with lots of families and it is so frustrating for me to see my suggestions go unnoticed. Or to see things I have taught not being followed through with so a main skill like putting a shirt on is lost and has to be taught again. But that is nothing to the discord I see when one parent is fully involved, following plans almost religiously, willing to go through hell and back if it means their child will live a better life while their "other half" disregards all the work they are doing. Not only by simply not following through but the flagrant hasseling. Telling their beloved that they are wasting their time and that they are not to help with therapies.... be it financial help, travel to and from location, or even attending a meeting set at a time specifically so they could attend.

Do they not realize how this is hurting their relationship and their child? If you are single parenting anyway, then what us the use of keeping them around.
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I have decided to change my blog just a touch. Since everything I had on here before could be found on my Facebook profile if you are a friend it didn't really have a reason for existing. I drive a lot for work and think a lot during said drives. With so much time to think my mind runs across many random ponderings and I thought during this last drove that I should write some of these ponderings down. So here it is. My blog of ponderisms! It could be crazy in here so expect the unexpected. Maybe. I mean it is going to be random so it could be totally expectable ponderings.... guess we will have to wait and see.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.3

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Phone Phun!!!

So I got the Motorola Droid this weekend and am having a BLAST with it!!! I completely love having my email, facebook and calendar at the tips of my fingers all the time!!! I also love that I can once again make my own ringtones and had to share my complete Disney geekiness with you all!!!

(I had to put them with a picture to turn them into a video file so I could upload them on here.... but the person who calls or texts is the picture that I see on my phone)

For when my friends call:

For Text Messages recieved:

And for when people in my life that have recently worked through or are currently working through rough patches in their life and I know not to let this ring go to voice mail since they could REALLY just need someone to listen:

I know, I know.... it doesn't get too much disney geekier than this.... but it really does.... especially since I am in the process of clipping tinkerbell and cinderella tracks for other ringtones and notifications.... I mean really, how cool would it be to have my alarm be the clock tower chiming in Cinderella and her saying "Oh that old clock! Kill Joy! Come on! Get up you say! Time to start another day!"

Now that is perfection. :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fourth of July fireworks

I thought I would post some of the fireworks that Rob and I went and saw on the 4th. We went to Algier's Point on the West Bank and sat on the levee to watch fireworks over the Mississippi river. It was beautiful and the only stress to be found were the kids directly in front of us shooting off bottle rockets. Quite a few of them came uncomfortably close to us on our blanket.... someone needed to give those kidos aiming tips.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Finally Finals

Well, it has been a quick and grueling semester taking 2 classes in 8 weeks. I took my math final today and will know the results sometime next week. I take my psych final on Sunday- yes I know this is odd but there are many boring reasons for this.

This week Rob and I (mostly I) decided that we are getting up every weekday morning to do a 30 minute workout. I also decided to participate in the century challenge that my sis Angie is doing. I have only actually made it one day out of the three that I have tried, but every day I have made closer progress to completing the challenge therefore I consider it a success. Today is the first day that I completed 100 crunches, 100 push-ups and 100 squats. I also biked 5 miles. I think things are moving along smoothly and am excited to be in shape once again!!

Well, that is the biggest, most exciting news that I have for you. Have a great day!!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Jan. 27th- made it official that I was moving to New Orleans, Louisiana!! Am I crazy?? Perhaps.

Feb. 2nd- Went to Jared's to get paperwork on old wedding rings so I could sell them and ended up trading in one of the rings for my very first pair of diamond earrings!!! I TOTALLY LOVE THEM!!!!

Feb 14th- got Valentines day flowers from Rob. What a sweetheart!!!


Feb 25th- Finished up with moving prep for pets. They are vaccinated and have all required documents for moving to another state. YAY!!!

March 5th- Sense Theater presentation of The Wizard of Oz was AMAZING!!! So proud that I got to help with things!!

March 22nd- Rob arrives in Sacramento to help me pack up, clean and drive to New Orleans!!

March 24th- Went to the Walt Disney Museum with Rob and Clay. Simply amazing..

Rob, myself and Clay!!

March 27th- Saw Ben Baily at the Punchline with Tyson!!

March 29th- On the road with Rob headed to Utah!!

March 30th- Arrived in Utah. Got to see family while I was there!! YAY!

Mom, Paul, Me and Daniel

Dallin, Me and Brennan.

Angie and I

April 2nd- Rob and I arrive with all pets in New Orleans!!

poor unloved and mistreated kitties!!

What a good pooch!

April 8th- I wander around the French Quarter while Rob is at work

April 9th- Ate alligator for the first time!! YUMMY!!!!
Alligator Po Boy

April 10th- First day working with Dylan!

April 11th- Ate oysters for the first time! Also yummy!!

Oyster bar

Just finished with the oysters

April 17th- Went to the Autism walk and the Relay for Life.

April 18th- Air boat tour of the Bayou! Got to hold a baby alligator. Didn't mention that I had eaten one of him earlier in the month.....shhhh....

he was soooo soft!!!

Rob was the only person in the boat to volunteer to hold an alligator without seeing it first.

we are so cute!

April 20th- Ate craw fish for the first time.... you guessed it... YUMMY!!!!

May 5th- First day working with Joel!

May 6th- Niece Allysa is born!! Congrats Mark and Fenny!!!
Such a cutie!!!

May 8th- Rob celebrated birth mom's day with me. Best boyfriend ever awarded to Rob.
card and flowers from Rob on Birth Mothers Day

May 12th- First day working with Caiti!

May13th- Lauren and Danny FINALLY engaged!!!! CONGRATS!!

May 16th- Celebrated Rob's birthday. He got a bucket of bacon.... silly boys.

May 26th- First day working with Jacob!

June 3rd- First day of school! Taking 6 units this summer semester. Math and Psych.

June 5th- Rob's company picnic at the zoo!! So much fun!!
Kickin it with the giraffes

June 14th- Missy starts to take daily showers with me. Crazy kitty.

of her own free will...

shower water is delicious!

silly kitty

June 16th-20th- Josh and Julie come to visit! Yay for friends!!

Cafe' Dumonde for beneigts

June 25th-27th- Caleb and Whitney come to visit! YAY MORE FRIENDS!!!
St. Louis Cathedral

June 27th- New nephew Aaron is born! Congrats Tommy and Arianna!!
Proud Daddy!

July 1st- thought about updating blog then whimpered at the thought and hid in a corner.

July 2nd- UPDATED BLOG and made a renewed effort to keep it updated!!!

wow.... I am behind a little!!! geesh!

ok... so it has been since January that I have posted.... I am quite behind I know.... I will try to do some update blogs and just back date them as they happened. Luckily I have a journal and Facebook to help me out with that. I am not sure there is anyone that follows this blog that isn't a friend on Facebook- so if you are out there- I am so sorry to keep you in the dark about the goings on in my very important life!!! I still love you even though you haven't decided to start up a FB account or have not added me as a friend!

Stand by for some fun updates and pics and I will try to remember to blog a little more often.... no promises though!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Time for an update.

Not a whole lot has happened since my last update.... well not significant things at least. I met with that attorney and was pleasantly surprised that since Matt's retirement company is Fidelity I don't have to take him to court! Fidelity will accept the QDRO paperwork from either party! WOOHOO!!!! I am so happy that I don't have to be branded as the mean ex-wife!! I can just continue to let him be lazy and still get things done so that I really never have to deal with him ever again! It is REALLY nice!! Too bad the two attorneys that I met with before this guy didn't know that. So I went on their website, used their forms and am filing the paperwork at the courthouse on Tuesday after work!!

oh. Me and Tommy broke up as well. It was not a fun break-up, as they seldom ever are, but I think we will make it better as friends. I don't think that either of us were very happy. So far we haven't talked much, but I hope that we will continue to be friends after our initial separation period.

The fun exciting things that have happened.... I turned 30 on the 12th. I went geocaching using 4x4 and chainsaws and then in Golden Gate Park. Cassie got over her really bad eye infection. Ya. That's about it.

Hope you all are having fun and engaging times!


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Today's news since I am updating stuff...

I figured that I should write more about what is going in life instead of just putting up old pics....

So now that the new year is here I am preparing to move forward with life. I am still fighting the divorce battle and while the divorce is final the settlement is not yet. It is unfortunate since I really do not want to play the mean card and send him to jail for failure to comply with court orders, but since he will not get things done I am left with little other options. So I am calling another attorney on Tuesday since I really didn't like the one I was using and this one is cheaper- and since Matt will most likely have to pay for my attorney too I am really not trying to screw him over. Hopefully I will be able to fill out and file all the papers I need to file within the next week and get this all taken care of before I move.

I also have cycled through another 2 sets of roommates and am having another one come by the house today to meet with Tommy and see the room while I am at work. She is employed and so that is another step up from the roommates that I have had. Although they move in with jobs and then quit so I guess that is not too much of a consolation for me. I am going to charge first and last months rent this time though. That way I won't get screwed when they all decide to bail without notice.

Well, I need to get back to work. I hope you all have a wonderful new year and enjoy your continued time off!

Fair Pics and Fireworks 2009!

So the theme of the fair had something to do with candy and bugs.... or somthin like that. Any way there were lots of history on candy and tons of giant insects....

Here is Candy Mountain... with a door that wouldn't open and
cotton candy smells coming from inside. What a tease.

Chris getting up close and personal with the govenator....

mmmm..... candy.....

LUCY!!!! You have some splainin to do!!!!

This thing was kinda cool... but it went backwards and is not a cool as the one at Disneyland

Signs that Chris ignored......

gonna get a tummy ache eating forbidden beans!

and another one that he ignored.....

Oh ya... he's a double dipper...

Did I forget to mention that there were giant birds to eat the giant bugs too?
Of course there has to be for creature control....

Techie insects at that...

No more marching to get out of the rain for these guys.

Chris defending his woman!

My newest boyfriend...

Ignoring signs again....

Yummy!! My bloomin onion! It is fair tradition!

Fair fireworks! They didn't get cancelled because of me!!

More fireworks

Awwww..... so sweet!

Lots of fun at the fair with great friends! Funny how those things go hand in hand so much in my life. I love you all so much guys!

Pics from MC Hammer- Finally.

Brian is so proud of the shirt that he caught!! Congrats!!!

Before the concert began



2 Quit!

Me and Rachel after the concert!

Ok- so there are the pics of the concert and my next post will be of all of us at the fair.... and as a bonus I will do it now so ya'll don's have to wait 3 months to see them!